Thursday, June 2, 2011


Well, this blog is another month older and another month wiser, but I don't think that the author, if that's what you would call me, is really at that stage yet.  I haven't posted in a few days, and I missed the first day of June. :(  It's not like I have millions of followers who I let down or anything, but I wish I was more on top of things.  

Right now I should be studying for a Spanish test, but I find myself shuffling around my house doing everything imaginable under the sun except studying.  I need to be more committed.  Especially with finals coming up in a mere 3 weeks.  I better start takin' care of business before it's too late!

But (almost) more important than my stress is the fact the summer vacation is almost here!  I am counting down the days in my agenda book, just waiting for the number to be zero.  Trust me, time has never gone slower.

Love, Michelle

1 comment:

  1. You should change your splendid page more often (: I update my lovely things page every month and its pretty fun! cute june post by the way (:
