Sunday, April 17, 2011

Baking Up a Storm

Today I baked up a storm!  I made Irish bread for my dad's friend.  He usually asks me to make bread for him twice a month and I get paid.  This bread was for his mom who was visiting from Ireland though, so it was a lot of extra pressure on me.  And of course I screwed it up!

After I mixed all the dry ingredients, I was supposed to cut in the butter with a pastry blender, but I kinda sorta forgot the butter...  So I had to add it in after the wet ingredients were already incorporated.  The batter was funky at first, and I got very nervous.  But it all turned out good in the end, and Mrs. Kearns was happy with her bread.

Then, since the oven was on, I randomly decided to make scones.  (Yeah, I know.  This is totally what a normal teenager does on a Sunday morning.)  So I made almond-chocolate chip and plain scones.  And they were delicious (no mess-ups this time either).

And I did all of this before 11 o'clock.  I am a baking machine (:

<3 Michelle

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