Saturday, April 23, 2011

Chinese Food Coincidence

You know when you learn a new word, and then you hear it all the time after you learned it?  It's like you never noticed it being said before, and you become more aware of its meaning.

Well the same thing kind of happened today with me... except with Chinese food!  Let me explain:

After my two friends and I got our nails done today, we went out to lunch.  We decided to go to a Chinese restaurant that was just down the street.  My mom doesn't like to get any sort of take-out food, so the only time I get Chinese food is when I am with friends.  We enjoyed our lunch, and then we hung out.  On my way home, I asked my mom what was for dinner.  She then told me about how my dad wanted Chinese food, and for once she considered ordering it!

Then we found out that my dad got a hunk (it literally looked like a half of a cow) of meat from BJ's, and he had steak tips ready for dinner.  So we scratched the idea of ordering Chinese food.

So then my mom finds this "beef and broccoli" seasoning/stir-fry mix thing that she was dying to try.  So all in all, I had Chinese food twice today!  Such a weird coincidence seeing as I don't even remember how long ago it has been since I had Chinese food last.

<3 Michelle

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