Monday, April 4, 2011

From Riches to Rags

Since I am only a high-school student who has baby-sitting as her only income, I am not rich.  But I certainly feel rich when I make $50 in one evening.  So I hope you can understand my excitement when I go to the mall or into Boston with my newfound wealth.  Wrong.

See, I have kind of a spending problem...  I am very responsible with my money, and am never "broke."  But my weakness is that I can not resist a good price.  If I see something on sale, I will drop down the cash.  Even when its almost all the cash I got.

Take this idiom bangle, for example.  Its Kate Spade, my favorite designer, and its under $30.

 Its the most adorable thing ever.  And did I mention its under $30.  I bet I have you hooked too!  Its a great deal.  Too bad I am already paying for my own Kiss Concert Ticket, and possibly a NKOTBSB Ticket.  But that does not stop me because I am still going to buy the bangle as soon as it comes to a store near me.

I seriously think I have a problem.  If my one and only follower at the moment wants to shed some light on my problem, I would be much obliged. :)

<3 Michelle


  1. DO I...first of all, just wanna say hi. And I love you. Second, I can't help you because I can't resist a good price either. Third, buy the bangle NOW so we can be TWINS. Fourth, don't buy an NKOTBSB ticket! Save that 100 dollars and buy a KATE SPADE BAG. Or whatever you fancy. Last, most definitely buy the Kiss Concert ticket :) That is all ♥

  2. Hey hey Abby girl! Thank you for being a devoted follower, and I can not wait until we go into Boston so I can get the bangle!
