Monday, April 4, 2011


Recently, a friend and I were talking about optimism, and I realized that the saying “glass half full” really is a great motto to live by.  It is the epitome of cheer, and makes you look at things in a new light.

Optimism makes you and the people around you happier.  Besides, who wants to be or be around a Debbie Downer?  Not me.  And who wants to be the one who always points out the negative.  Sure, those overly optimistic people sometimes give you a headache, but wouldn’t it be better to take a page out of their book for once?  It might even benefit you.

Optimism is almost like a test.  But the best part is that you can always change your answers.  The Law of Attraction helps prove this even more.  If you focus your attention and energy upon being negative, you will attract more of the same, whether it is wanted or unwanted. When you talk about all the things you don't like in your life, you are drawing negative energy to it and yourself.
So the next time you lose some money or have to wait extra-long at the checkout line, just think of the glass being half full, and things probably won’t seem so bad.

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