Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fresh Talent

There is a talent show at my school tomorrow.  I am not in it because, well, I can't sing and do not have any presentable talent, and even if I did, I do not think that I would be ready to face the harsh reality of high-schoolers.

I do, however, have some interesting tricks and "talents," if you may, and since this blog is still just starting out, I'll share them with my prospective followers who do not know the amazing Michelle. :)

  • I can wiggle my ears.
  • I can easily untie unruly knots.
  • I can shape my tongue into a "four-leaf clover."
happy saint patrick’s day!
  • I have a good memory for names.
  • I am (almost) never late.

  • I am not a bad doodler.  This comes from loads of experience in Algebra class...

  • And I have the fabulous talent of getting so amazingly sick on airplanes that neither of my parents want to sit next to me we go on a 6-hour flight to Ireland (so they take turns)!

    What's your hidden talent?

    <3 Michelle

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