Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring into Action

Spring seems to be in full force here in Boston.  Its about 45 degrees Fahrenheit, but since there is no wind and plenty of sun, it feel much nicer!  I am wearing shorts, and eager to tell you guys the reasons why I love spring.
  1. longer days with lots of sun
  2. green grass
  3. being able to go outside without a jacket
  4. flowers budding
  5. local ice cream shops (like Dairy Freeze) open up after a long winter
  6. fresh fruit
  7. warm but not hot weather
  8. baseball season starts--Go Sox!
  9. i can wear skirts without tights and shorts
  10. spring also means that school is coming closer to ending :-)
<3 Michelle

Just like antique cars, I have a soft spot for antique (looking) bikes.  Preferably Schwinn if anyone was wondering :)

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