Friday, May 13, 2011

Finally Friday

I need my sleep.  I am a bit crazy about my sleeping schedule during the school week, going to bed around 9:45, but waking up at exactly 6:11.  I like my beauty sleep, and get crabby without it.

At the moment, I am so pooped.  This week was not extremely stressful or filled with work, but I am exhausted.  High school is tiring.  I can honestly say that I am most tired on Friday nights, and glad to hit the clean pillow at 10 o'clock--my maximum bedtime on a Friday--and I am so lucky to have clean sheets on Fridays.  Needless to say, I am not out partying on Friday nights, but just thankful that I can sleep in on Saturday.

I do not agree with the above statement.

Today, my Friday night consists of my laptop, a cup of chai tea (my all-time favorite), and my laptop.

Have a happy Friday, followers!

<3 Michelle

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