Monday, May 9, 2011

The Hit List

No, I am not out to hurt, attack, or injure anyone.  This is my hit list of all things that I dislike.  A Glass Half Full is usually a pretty cheerful blog, but there are things that really just get to me.  I have done quite a few posts of things that I love, want, and like, but never a post about what annoys me, grosses me out, or things that I just plain hate.  So here goes...

My Hit List:
--Oranges (the fruit).  Anything that is scented or flavored orange makes me feel nauseous.  I can easily say that I do not hate anything more than I hate oranges, and that, my friend, is a fact.
--Typos, misspellings, grammar mistakes, and incorrect punctuation.  I will admit, I can not spell every single word, but I do try.  It's really unacceptable when people have spell check on their computer, or take a computer applications class...  Ahem, my friend, Katie. 
--The straw-wrappers on juice boxes.  I do not know why, but they have always annoyed me.  They are extra trash, and unnecessarily annoying.
--When people spit.  It's only okay when you are brushing your teeth buddy, so why do you feel the need to do it on the sidewalk outside my house...?
--The sound of knives and forks and spoons, or really any metal, clinking together.  It gives me the goosebumps.
--When people take 20 paper towels, use one, and throw them all away.
--Dirty bathrooms.  If I am in a dirty bathroom in a restaurant, it makes me wonder how clean the kitchen is...
--Junk mail.
--When people do not pick up their dog's poop.
--Books with bad endings.  Not even cliff-hangers.  Just plain old bad endings. 
--Emails with no subjects.
--Getting a grocery cart at the supermarket with a bad wheel.

Wow.  I never noticed how many things really ticked me off.  There are a lot more too, but these are all of the ones I could think of. :)   What do you hate or what is your biggest pet peeve?

<3 Michelle

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