Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Matchbook Magazine

I love magazines.  Between me and my family, about 10 magazines get delivered to my house each month.  We get everything from Food Network to Sports Illustrated to Allure.  And I read (almost) every one of them.  Unlike my mom, I like looking at the advertisements almost as must as reading the articles.  But this post is not about a magazine that is delivered to my house... It's about one that is free and online!

Matchbook Magazine!

The fourth issue was just published today, and I can guarantee you that tonight I will be drinking a cup of (chai) tea, and reading the newest issue on my laptop.  

"From lipstick to letterpress, gelato to grosgrain, and Paris to Peru, consider us your field guide to a charmed life."
--Matchbook Magazine

Above: Editors Jane Warren and Katie Armour

I highly recommend that you all read this adorable magazine now at matchbookmag.com.  Enjoy!

<3 Michelle

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